The idea of wallpaper on one's walls might be tantalising especially in view of the myriad of exciting designs on the market. On the other hand, the idea of hanging wallpaper might conjure images of sloppy gluey mess or clumsy finishes.
The idea of wallpaper on one's walls might be tantalising especially in view of the myriad of exciting designs on the market. On the other hand, the idea of hanging wallpaper might conjure images of sloppy gluey mess or clumsy finishes. This is not the case with the way the team at Tanti Interiors approaches the issue of covering a wall with something other than paint.
Professional wall coverings have grown steadily in popularity once again after a good lull that saw the wallpapering trend fade away. What was extremely popular with nobility during the Renaissance, reached the height of popularity during the 19th century, and continued on to be ever-present in homes around Europe. The 1970s saw a boom of wallpapering taking over most homes. A dwindling in popularity in Malta led to the resurrection of wallpaper some years back, thanks to the fad of having the fashionable 'feature wall' installed in any given room, a fancy wall that gives an oomph to a room otherwise defunct of any specific highlight.
However, more recently, the full room wall covering has settled firmly back in popularity, with wall to wall coverings that may or may not envelope an entire room. These may be used entirely in one design all around the four walls, or alternated with complimentary designs or colours placed strategically on specific walls. The fact that many contemporary apartments have smaller rooms, means that luxurious and exclusive wall coverings can be more affordable for a wider number of home owners.
Wall covering brands have taken the cue from interiors stylists so that they have kept firmly apace with what is 'in'. Take the exclusive brand Omexco which was born in 1976 and managed to keep abreast of trends over the years. A case in point is the 'Anteres' range which offers an extremely fascinating wall covering option that is made entirely of cork - printed cork to be precise. This gives not only visual impact but also a tactile experience. Another hot style from Omexco is the 'Rainbows' range with its strongly metallic undertones. This range is so dynamically versatile that it allows the stylist to blend designs so as to create a unique story, one that belongs specifically to the one space and its owner. Inventiveness and originality truly come hand in hand where pretty walls are concerned!
About Tanti Interiors
Design your home with Tanti Interiors & Decorators. Wall coverings and many more solutions to suit your tastes. We have a vast and distinguished portfolio of Home Design Projects, Gardens, and Interiors & Exteriors.